Rants. Raves. T-shirts. All observations on the peculiarity of Provo life.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Things you should NEVER pay for in Provo: Part the Third

More Freeness.
A little clarification, or should I say correction?
The title is a misnomer. I suppose you could pay for some of these things, and probably should under certain circumstances. But you don't always have to.
So, here goes.

The Consumption Edition:
  • Water - It is free. 'Nuf said.
  • Get a Starving Student Card - Okay, I know this isn't free, but think of it as an investment. Get one, have a friend get one, and then on some lazy Saturday, go down the list of FREE things on the card. Straight up free, no purchase necessary. Go for a free sandwich at Hickory Kist on Center Street (Soo good), and a few free pizzas, Plus the haircuts, and a free smothie at Bamboo Hut. And a couple free items at the previously mentioned Las Tarascas. In a couple hours you can get enough food to have made it well worth the 15 bucks the card costs.
  • Cosco - Always a good time, good deal, and a few tasty morsels of sample food.


Jourdan said...

*cough* CosTco *cough*

Anonymous said...

Well, if Seinfeld is to be believed, muffin stumps are free...because everyone likes the tops of the muffins instead...

Whilst driving I've seen people standing by the roadside with signs saying "free hugs," but I don't usually pull over for their embrace as its usually the granola segment of the population offering their tender touch...I mean...if it was hot cabana boys doing the same thing...that would be incentive enough...but the tree hugging hippies usually don't do it for me.

An acquaintance from high school said day old donuts from malt shops were usually free...but after a day...the donuts seem to have lost their luster.

If you were hard up for food you could always go raid a wedding reception of its eclairs and mint and nut cups.

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