Rants. Raves. T-shirts. All observations on the peculiarity of Provo life.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Blood Money.

I did it. I've tried before, with something (fate, maybe) standing in my way. I sold my plasma.

I went once and didn't have proper ID. I went another time and they were too busy. I went another time and didn't have the proper paperwork. I went again, and finally, they let me in.
I say that like it's some kind of privilege. It isn't.

I brought "The Screwtape Letters" to read. The girl prepping me was really nice, but she splattered, yes splattered, my blood on my book. For those of you who aren't aware, I abhor the sight of blood, especially the flowing variety. It was then that another donor came around the corner with a napkin on her arm and blood freely dripping down her arm. She had just finished donating, or so she thought. I guess her circulatory system had other plans.

All this for $30 a pop, about $20 an hour in the end. Is it worth it?


Jourdan said...

No. No. No no no no no.

austinmcraig said...

Thats YOUR opinion.

Although, I suppose that is what I was soliciting.


Anonymous said...

I actually have a long-running track record at Bio-Medics. In total, I've sold my plasma around 35 times. Is it worth it?

It depends on your opinion. I initially started going to support my roommate, who REALLY needed the money. I didn't want him to feel bad that he had to go do something undesirable to live. After a couple times, it really didn't bother me. In fact, after he quit going, I decided I enjoyed the extra income and would still keep going. I don't even really think it hurts now. I went twice a week for about 12 weeks straight this last summer.

There was only one time I went where I got a little blood on me. Most people abhor plasma "donation" because they think it's unhealthy or unclean. But in reality, they follow some pretty strict health codes, and I've never felt in danger for my life.

Another reason people don't go is because they don't like blood or they hate needles. If that's the case, I'd say it isn't worth it. I hate working with food so I'd never be employed at McDonald's. It's the same idea.

I guess the only aggravating part of donating is the weird looks people give you when they find out. Its like you're selling drugs or something, almost like most people believe its against their standards, as if it were an ethical dilemma. It's not.

The truth is, most people hate blood and needles, so they don't want to do it. But for those of us who don't care . . . don't judge.

Jourdan said...

I'm on the "fear-of-needles" end of the spectrum. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Power to those who do, however.

LJ said...

Props, Austin, on a well-written story. I'm queasy now.

Once when I was working at the library, I had a book turned in to my desk that had some sort of dark splatter on it. We called the person in to ask what had happened and they said their needle had slipped while they were donating plasma.

Holy freak of nature, that was beyond disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention the third and final reason for not "donating" . . .

It's hard to read your textbooks when they're all bloody.

Holy crap that's nasty. I'm surprised they tried to turn it back in . . . I guess there are all types at BYU . . .

Anonymous said...

Thanks Austin, I used to think of fluid exchange as a fun thing, nevermore, nevermore.