In past years it's something that I have smirked at, but had a gentleman's agreement with - I leave them alone, and they leave me alone. This year, though, it's gotten out of hand. I can't walk around campus without hearing the Official Oldie of one candidate or another - and it seems that color schemes are a major part of political platforms this year.
I'm told that about 1,000 people voted in last year's election - out of about 30,000 BYU students (quick math: that's 1/30th, or around 3%). Only 1,000 cared enough to vote! That sure sucks the credibility out of it. I'd suggest that a good portion of that 1,000 will vote no matter what, and also that a good portion of that 30,000 will NOT vote, no matter what. Targeted advertising is a wonderful thing - sell yourselves to the people that are actually going to vote. You're only alienating the rest of the student body.
BYUSA differs from other student governments because, well, it's not a student government.
I'm sure they do wonderful things, but I've never noticed an iota of difference from one year to the next due to different leadership. Whether that's a result of BYUSA's lack of influence or just the sheer homogeneity of the candidates, I'm not sure we could tell. Perhaps both.
I'd be interested to hear from anyone who disagrees with me. If you can make a compelling enough case for BYUSA, I'll kick around the idea of voting before ultimately deciding not to.
While walking through the Cannon Center the other day trying to do some homework, I:
1) Was nearly attacked by a giant yellow cube with a candidate's name on it.
2) Had to listen to some band singing "Vote for ____" (I can't remember the candidate's name)
3) At the same time had to listen to another group of kids singing something completely different for the other candidate.
Needless to say, not much homework was done, and I won't be voting for either of them (not like I was planning on voting in the first place).
Vote "None of the Above"!
All talk of a campus radio station aside, do any of the candidates ever follow through with their campaign platforms? Ever?
If they do, I really like the promises from the yellow cube guys (I think they're the G&L campaign). Besides, they've got the least annoying promoters, IMHO.
Maybe their websites are worth looking at. Probably not, but even so, voting is fun! Everyone click away and see if we can screw up the results! Ha ha!
My friend, I am prone to agree with you. I feel that BYUSA should actually be called "BYUSW" which would obviously stand for "BYU-So What?"
At a school that is a church entity, whose president is a general authority, who has been called and assigned here by a living prophet, I feel much more comfortable allowing the administration of the school and my education to rest upon his shoulders. Which is great, because it does. Granted, there are those who are hired and such to whom he delegates responsibility, but the fact remains that this is a church entity, run by the church. I trust the church.
Perhaps the whole ordeal is some complex plan thought up to give poli-sci majors "Experience." Maybe it is a ploy thought up by 3M and Sharpee to promote poster and magic marker sales. Either way, I'll trust my eduction to divine authority.
I completely agree with you, Roger. In my three years at BYU, I have yet to notice a difference between the student governments.
The only things I've noticed BYUSA do is organize campus events . . . which is good, and I've enjoyed many of the events I've attended. It would be nice, though, to see them deliver on their promises instead of just running for student goverment to pad their resumes.
Do I sound bitter? Just a little.
AMEN! For any that enjoy the luxury of the BYU 100 hour board, I would like to quote something from them:
And now let me officially start my campaign for BYUSA President (2007-08). I know this isn’t allowed by BYUSA, but I really don’t care what they say. My goals are to disband BYUSA to the best of my ability. I want to do away with all the annoying things that they do, the harassing emails, and most of all expose the liars for who they are. If elected I will start by ridding BYUSA of any authority, giving control of significant issues to BYU’s President, and insignificant issues to “the people.” Once I feel I have destroyed BYUSA’s ability to exist, I will remove my own power, and then resign.
Click here for more
I think they should do this. Who is with me?
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