So, while I have still never been arrested, I came pretty close a few nights ago. We decided to try some guerilla marketing. We cut out some stencils of the site, and darn near perfected the method of chalking the website onto asphalt. We erroneously assumed that it wouldn't cause much of a legal snafusis, but on the last spot of ground we were going to tag, it all went sour. A couple of security guards saw us and wondered what was going on. Not really wanting to take the time to explain it all to them, we...uhh...we bolted. Ya, we panicked and bolted. But I am a little dense, and had my car parked there illegally. When we went back about 30 minutes later, there were two cop cars, taking my plates and making some calls. I knew I wasn't going to get out of this, so I went to talk to them.
They played the "Good Cop, Bad Cop" routine to a capitol T. They said they had been on the phone with a tow truck when I came (that coulda' been pricey) and they were about to come to my apartment to question me. They ran the seriel number on my car stereo to make sure it wasn't stolen. Was that for dramatic effect? But long story short, they made us clean it up, and by the end of it all, they thought it was pretty funny, I mean the business and the shirts and all.
Oh, and Bad Cops parting word: "You can bet that most of the guys down at the station will be checking out your site. Who knows, maybe they'll buy a shirt or two."

I think perhaps my favorite part of our Police Beat appearance is the wording. We were "discovered" - notice the lack of words such as "captured," "apprehended," or even "convicted." How dull. Only in Provo could chalk on the sidewalk cause such a problem...
Haha...that was you guys?
You'll think of something bigger and better...or learn to chalk faster. Heh heh.
My favorite part was when the "bad cop" told us that he jumped some kid walking away wearing a hoodie thinking it was me, only because the kid wearing the hoodie had ear buds and couldnt hear the police officer
Wow guys! You are all such rebels. You are practically BYU crminals with a record now. ROCK ON!
You have officially fulfilled one of my dreams and goals while at BYU. You now can consider your selves the elite few notoriously mentioned in the police beat!
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