Rants. Raves. T-shirts. All observations on the peculiarity of Provo life.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The Competition

Okay, so its not really a competition, its more of a contest. But I couldn't get the voice of strong bad out of my head on this one.

Anyway, this is the gig. Tomorrow, President Samuelson will speak at the Campus Devotional. We here at Cecilismyhomeboy.com thought, since he is our namesake and all, that we would play a little game in his honor. Wear your "Cecil" shirt to the devotional tomorrow and you could win. Or if you don't have one, buy one from us, because we will be there with shirts. Anyway, come find us outside of the Marriott Center, and you will get a raffle ticket if you have your shirt on. Don't know what we look like? Well thats part of the fun, you have to find us. We'll have our Cecil shirts on too. When you find us, we'll give you a raffle ticket, and that gets you into the contest for...


Thats right, campers, we're gonna make some hoodies, and you can be the VERY FIRST to get your mits on one. Just Wear your Shirt tomorrow, get a raffle ticket, and we'll announce the winner tomorrow on the Blog.

Cool? We think so.

P.S. Did you guys see President Monson Speak on Sunday? And Elder Eyring? And of course, President Samuelson? Man, I love those guys.

Oh, and remember five years ago today? So do I.


Unknown said...

Suggestion for words: Cecil is my hoodie.

Unknown said...

i didn't know i wanted a ceciloodie before this very minute, but i sure do now!