Rants. Raves. T-shirts. All observations on the peculiarity of Provo life.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Music Mania

Do you ever hear songs that you get completely hung up on? Here's my current top 10, in no particular order:

1. "Dog Problems" by The Format. BRILLIANT. It just is. I've seriously become obsessed with this song."Dog Problems" is a bizarre blend of rock/folk/pop/Sesame Street/New Orleans/stream-of-consciousness/genius-ness. You think you have this song all figured out at first, until the bridge rips your heart out. I still can't find mine.

2. "Heavy Metal Drummer" by Wilco. Wilco is one of those bands that nobody knows about, but everybody SHOULD know about. Listen to them. Love them.

3. "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol. Snow Patrol has this uncanny ability to write songs that just get me right in the gut. I hate that this song has gotten popular recently, because I somehow feel it downplays the actual physical reaction I got the first time I heard it. It still gets me everytime, but now I have to share it. I hate that. And to add insult to the injury, "Run" is now in the trailer for "The Guardian"? What is that all about? Another song that really hit me hard, and now it's in an Ashton Kutcher movie. It's insulting. All the same, you just have to listen to this band. They're incredible.

4. "Skeleton Key" by Margot and the Nuclear So and So's. Like nothing I've ever heard before. Beautiful and haunting, self-deprecating, but with a sense of humor. A band I'm expecting big things from.

5. "Head On" by The Pixies. Oh, Pixies. I can't listen to this song and NOT bob my head like an idiot. It can't be done.

6. "Baba O'Reiley" by The Who. I would recommend playing this song when you get up in the morning. Once the piano makes its appearance, you feel like you can kick the day's butt.

7. "Cut Your Hair" by Pavement. This song just makes me ridiculously happy. That is reason enough for it to make the top 10.

8. "So Says I" by The Shins. I love The Shins. They are like the sixties with an added dose of awkwardness.

9. "I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor" by Arctic Monkeys. This song just kind of makes me want to yell. I don't really know why. I just want to get onto a dance floor and yell. A lot. And then dance like a madman. A lot.

10. "Philosophy" by Ben Folds. Ben had to be included somewhere. He's a bloody genius. This song has to be my favorite, though. This guy is freaking insane on the piano. It almost makes me want to practice piano....wait, no, the feeling passed, because I can never be that good.

That was seriously difficult to condense my list to ten. So many great bands out there. Holy! Anyway, try something new, friends! Music makes the world go 'round! (Among other things).


Landon said...

Okay, I have a couple of songs for you to try on.

1. God is Going to Get Sick of Me by Aberdeen City

2. Falling by the Wayside by People in Planes

3. She's So Cold by The Golden Republic

I got them all from the Apple group on facebook. Gotta love free music.

Unknown said...

Jourdan, you are my new best friend. I love all of those songs/artists. You and I need to trade music sometime.

Jourdan said...

I feel like I should know you already, given the fact that we are co-bloggers....this must be rectified.