Rants. Raves. T-shirts. All observations on the peculiarity of Provo life.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

More ways to waste time effectively.

So I'm sitting in class in the trailer behind the Amanda Knight Building, and I turn to my friend sitting next to me and ask if she knows any good ways to waste a few minutes. The results were pleasantly surprising. And now I pass the savings on to you.

Our first winner is called Stuff On My Cat. It's a website full of pictures (submitted by good folks like yourself) where people have piled stuff on their cat. For example, in this photo someone has piled a few pillows on their cat. I fully endorse this behavior.

The caveat, though, is that dumb people have gotten ahold of this site and submitted photos of their own cat wearing a Zorro costume, or a princess crown, or whatever, and it really ruins the whole idea of the site. But, regardless, there's enough good stuff to make it worth your (wasted) time.

The other site actually came from my teacher. He made the mistake of showing us this site right at the beginning of class, and I've been fascinated with it for about the past hour. It doesn't really seem to have a name, but I'll call it the George W. Bush Falling Ragdoll. It's President Bush. And he falls through these big round things. And he bounces off. I can't think of a single time when I've had this much fun.

The best part is grabbing him (by clicking on him with the mouse), and dragging him through cracks between bubbles that he shouldn't fit through. This may also be the most confident I've seen the President look in a while.

That's all I've got... I should probably start paying attention now.

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