Rants. Raves. T-shirts. All observations on the peculiarity of Provo life.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Too Much

Stupid Computer.

I started to write a blog the other day and my computer crapped out on me. I've had that thing for two years, and it has only given me problems. I don't know why I have this curse, this love hate relationship with technology.

That being said, am I the only one who is feeling bogged down in work, even though its only the...what...third week of school? I feel like too much is expected of us students, or maybe its just that we expect too much of ourselves. Go to school, get a job, go on dates, magnify your calling...oh...and don't forget to RELAX and HAVE FUN! Sometimes seems contradictory to me. I'm a firm believer that we live in a world of unavoidably mixed signals, and its a heck of a job to sift through them all and decide what to do with every day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the student life while you can! Not to be a downer, but it gets even busier and more demanding when you're in the career world, 'cause you're locked into a job for 8-10 hours a day and still need to exercise, date, spiritually nourish yourself, magnify your calling, etc. Ah, what I wouldn't give to curl up under the display case in the Benson Building and snooze for an hour mid-day, or to study in Club Periodicals with the cute Humanities boy again!