Rants. Raves. T-shirts. All observations on the peculiarity of Provo life.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Score one for Gloria Steinem...sort of.

Well, it finally happened. After careful deliberation, heated debate, and the loss of (more) hair on behalf of the Cecil team, the Cecil Blog has finally decided to add some well-needed estrogen to the mix.

Now before you get yourself too excited over diversity finally making its way to the “blogging scene,” it must be understood that sinister forces were at work here. You see, while it may seem like a great civil stride was made in taking on a female to an all-male blog, the Cecil team knew full well what they were doing in approaching me to contribute:

They were not hiring a true female.

Don’t get me wrong. I am full-blooded woman and darn proud of it. Rosie the Riveter and I are tight. But while I do have a pension towards towering heels and excessive amounts of purses, my speech, writing style, and overall personality reek of a different gender. Growing up with men your whole life will do that to you. I don’t giggle. I guffaw. I’m more sarcastic than most men. I’ll call you a moron if you deserve the title. I’m crass. I’m crude. I enjoy making people uncomfortable. Whatever pops into my head is usually what comes out of my mouth. . "A Walk to Remember" makes me gag. Spike TV is better than the Oxygen network. And darnit….Jet Li is the man.

Thus the opinion that you’ll get from me won’t be distinctly female, as I’m sure was the creator’s intent. But I’m happy to be apart of this blog, all the same—even if it’s only because they needed a chick on board. These guys are awesome, and they’ve worked hard on this site. To be a small part of it is truly a pleasure. The Cecil team is composed of my homeboys. Future posts will not be so lengthy and will actually have a point.

But so you get your female input dosage for the day: Men—just say no to socks and sandals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's only one thing to say in a situation like this:

Would you marry me?