Rants. Raves. T-shirts. All observations on the peculiarity of Provo life.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

to those of you who had the audacity to leave the priesthood session before the closing hymn was over

Don't think we didn't see you. Everyone saw you. For crying out loud, stay sitting down until the meeting - in its entirety - is over. You'll be fine if you get home ten minutes later. Show some respect for the meeting. Honestly.

And don't think that I don't have my eyes on you, people who leave devotional before the closing prayer is given. You're next on my list.


Anonymous said...

Holy crap I wanted to friggin' bust some heads. I see people do it all the time. Why go if you're not going to stay until the end? I guess the closing prayer isn't as important as the opening . . . who knows?

They're the kind of people that probably left their baptism early. Or got baptized but never confirmed. Or go to sacrament so late they miss the sacrament.

Church is such a social function, right? I mean, I just do it for the girls . . .

Anonymous said...

i fully agree with you! they're the kind of people who think gettin out of the parking lot faster than everyone else is more important. they have better things to do than wait around for a prayer and having to leave a few minutes later like eveyrone else.

Melyngoch said...

Yeah, whenever I'm leaving a meeting before the closing prayer, I try to leave before the last talk, too, just so it's not so obvious.