Rants. Raves. T-shirts. All observations on the peculiarity of Provo life.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Glad I got a Movie Today

So, here's a thought.
Some BYU guys entered a film contest where YOU are the judge. Can you believe it? YOU! Anyway, The Project has this college film contest, and the people who come to the site get to vote for which is the best. And lets be honest. The ones from BYU are the best. I know it. You know it. Its time the rest of the world knew it too. So go and let them know! The films are "Glad I Got a Sword Today" by Seth Warburton and Steve Shimek, and "Major Sampson" by Eric Anderson. Go, Vote, there's a lot on the line for these guys. They are in the third phase of voting, and the third segment in their respective trilogies.

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